Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Butterfly Class

When I got home from Africa I had about 3 weeks left with my preschool class. Then it was the end of the school year and onto a new class. I was so sad the last week of school. I had watched my class grow up. From newborns to walking, talking toddlers. This was my first class. I love these children. I will be so sad to see them with a new teacher. With a new girl they cling to. When I first started my class I blogged about each child. To keep my kids safe I gave them nick names. Here is the final update on my class (with newish nicknames because now they have personalities of their very own):

Drama Queen- She is very particular. If someone is in her space she screams. She can eat more then a grown person, but yet she is tiny. I lover her mom. She is darling!!! When she sleeps she needs 3 things- her elephant, her sea horse and her blankie.
Thing one- AHHH I love her! This is how you can tell her apart from her sister. Her face is round and her name starts with a C. We have this little stuffed dog in our class. She has taken it as her own. She loves that thing. She finally learned to walk. They were walking when I got home from Africa. I was so excited. We have yet to figure out how to put her to sleep.
Thing two- AHHH love her also!! She is my buddy. Her face lights up whenever I walk in the room. She is darling. How you can tell her apart from her sister is her face is long and skinny and her name starts with a J. She knows all her animal sounds. It is so stinking cute when she says BAHH and MEOWWW. I will be the most sad about losing the twins.
Designer Jeans- She is the cutest red head I have ever seen. She has a very cute personality. She doesn't like to be wrestled with or tickled. Her parents are both very cute and young. She is always in the CUTEST clothes.
Stinky baby- She was coming full time and then they pulled out to come 2 days a week and then they added full time again. I'm glad that she came the whole week. She is really easy going. She is never upset or mad. She is really pretty.
Momma's boy- He is about the same as my first update. His mom loves him. He is always sick. Maybe it's because his mom is a little over protective. He has become the biter of our class.
The smallest but the toughest- This girl is TINY! However, don't pick a fight with her. She is tough. She climbs all over, falls and gets right back up. She also has no hair. I'm talking bald! She is so cute.
Who?- We don't really know his personality. He only comes 2 days a week and the whole time he screams and throws tantrums. He doesn't let us cuddle him or anything. He just does his own thing. His mom just had a baby. Cute!
Stranger Danger- He slowly got over his stranger anxiety. YAY! He actually turned out to be really funny. He is really smart. He can talk and sing.
Drama King- This boy is so funny. He was our last one to learn to walk. If he is sitting in reach of a toy he will point to it and whine until someone can get it for him. It is so funny. I think he will have the hardest time with this new adjustment. He is really funny when you tickle him and he gets laughing.

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