Friday, September 4, 2009

8 babies!

I now have 8 babies in my class. I totally have favorites and I totally have ones that I don't like. Here are the kids in my class:

Camilia: She is a twin. She is so good. I have only ever seen her cry when she is hungry which is rare.
Juliana: She is the other twin. She also only cries when she is hungry. 
Jayden: He is so cute. He has these huge blue eyes. He is the trouble maker of the class. He likes to hit the other babies. I love cuddling with him.
Drake: He looks like Lindsey's baby, Drew. Ever since he started he has had a cold. He is extra cuddly because of that.
Mallory: I'm just gonna come out and say it.. She is my #1 favorite. She is my girl. She is the smallest in the class. Her cry is so sad. She loves me and loves when I hold her. I am the only one that knows how to calm her down.
Evelynn: She is probably my 2nd favorite. Her mom is my favorite parent. Evie wont ever take a nap because she is very social. She always has to be a part of the crowd.
Island: Yes her name is Island. She is a little bit older. All she does is cry. She cries a lot because she wants attention. She has a hard time sleeping. She is a newer baby in the class. She started after everyone else did.
Neil: Me and Neil aren't friends. I try really hard but he doesn't like me. He is the oldest in the class. He is 8 months old. All he does is cry. His favorite thing to do is to put milk in his mouth and then spit it at me. Wow!


The Sieverts said...

Love it! You have favoritism! Fun to know about all your "kids"

Shelley said...

Just know one of these will be just like one you will have. So you will know just what to do.

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