Thursday, April 29, 2010

my friend julie

so my friend julie told me that it's important for me to write all my kenyan experiences down. since i havent gone to kenya yet i get to write about me preparing to go.

so first off i do not like animals. if you know me i am sure you have seen this one time or another. i am nervous about getting to kenya and having these strange animals all over the place. i dont like them. i dont like to look at them. i dont like to touch them. i dont like to talk about them. i just dont like animals. at least i can openly admit this. she thinks that i need to get over this slowly so when i get to kenya im not screaming every 5 seconds that i see a strange animal.

second, change for kenya is going good. we are in an arts show this weekend that i hope will rack in some good money. we have decided to cut the chains short and add beads to them. we dont really know what we are doing, we just make things up as we go along. also, 2 different people purchased $100 orders yesterday so thank you!

third, bret (the director of the expedition, not my ex boyfriend haha) called my mom and told her that the expedition is full so we need to reserve our spots asap. i hope some good, cool people are going on the trip with us. it would be cool if some kids my age were going.

fourth, i am now working full time at the preschool so that will help rack in some good money for the trip!

i am going to kenya in 84 days!


The Sieverts said...

ailI'll take a neckless w/ beads! I'll call you!

v said...

hahaha check out new gagets of 2010.

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