Tuesday, April 7, 2009

life is hard

i am now single.
i am not getting married anymore.
i dont understand why good people get such hard trials.
my whole life did a complete spin on me.


Jason said...

Life is tough, but so are YOU! I've never seen a challenge yet that I don't look back at now and say "Wow, look what I learned from that."

Frampton Family said...

Our struggles are hard, and they push us to limits we never thought we could handle. There is a quote I love that Pres. Monson said years ago:

"The past is behind learn from it. The future is a head prepare for it. The present is now live in it"

We love you and are here for you!! Call us anytime!
Josh & Janelle

Debbie said...

Hey...what am I missing????? What do you mean you are single...not getting married anymore??? Clue me in down here in Arizona. I do have an e-mail debbieboyer@mac.com

Julie said...

I feel like Debbie--maybe because I get my info from her--I need the latest scoop. Sorry it seems so hard. Hang in there. . .

Emily Redd said...

ummm, what??? Your not getting married anymore, did I miss something? Were you previously secretly engaged. Usually the Schaar bunch misses nothing. Also, I am not added to your family list....am i just not cool enough??? j/k! I'll put you blog on mine now that I know you have one.

Nicole said...

Glad to know you have a blog... and I join with the rest of the crew... YOU WERE ENGAGED??? Maybe this is the problem... If a man can't pass the first introduction of all the "Schaar Aunts" then he just won't do. (and it's not an easy test to pass!) Maybe I just missed it, but I'm not sure he passed it :)
REALLY, I am SO sorry. I know how hard it must be, but just think... that means there is some guy who is even BETTER than he was still waiting for you!!! We love ya! Sounds like we need to have a little family get together to catch up a bit!

Dani said...

Hang in there Lacee. This may help a little.


A good reminder for all of us.

Love to you,

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